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BIA Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting October 12, 2023

Pillette Village

Pillette Village Business Improvement Association

Board of Directors Meeting

October 12, 2023

In Attendance:  Danielle Ramsten, Terry Yaldo, Diane Beck and Bridget Scheuerman

Regrets: Councillor Jo-Anne Gignac, David Duke

Absent: Councillor Ed Sleiman, Peggy Winch

Approval of Minutes

  • Motion by Danielle and seconded by Diane to accept the minutes of the previous meeting. Passed.

Financial Report

  • Bridget provided the following financial report
  • Bank Balance as of August 31, 2023 $75,952.78
  • Deposit of balance of vendor fees from Street Sale $145.00
  • Outstanding Cheque total $5,513.12
  • Balance after cheques $70,584.66
  • Capital Works commitment $54,000.00
  • Available Funds $16,584.66

Motion by Terry and seconded by Danielle to accept the Financial report.

Our Riverside Magaine

  • Discussion took place about whether to do a single or double page presentation within Our Riverside Magazine.
  • The single would involve designing the banner and having it at the top and portions at the bottom with 9 local merchant ads between. The ads would be paid for by the merchants.
  • The double would involve a short description of the BIA and would have 18 ads paid for by the merchants.
  • The price for the single would be $300 plus HST to be paid by the BIA and the price for the double would be $800 plus HST paid by the BIA.
  • The merchants ads would be $170 plus HST each.
  • It was decided to go with the one page and have David design the banner.


Marketing Quote

  • Terry feels the pricing of the items that was quoted by GraphiX is too high for the tote bags and pens.
  • Danielle is concerned with the quality of the tote bag. We do not have a sample.
  • Diane feels we should support our local businesses within the BIA.
  • David thought we could give them out at Christmas with an invitation to the Annual meeting.
  • During this discussion Diane called Graphix and asked for samples of the various kinds of tote bags and prices. Graphix will get samples in for our review.


  • We have received some good feedback from the businesses with regards to the new planters and trees.
  • Bridge indicated that she was advised that nothing can be put on the trees in the way of decorations, i.e. lights, bows, etc.
  • It was suggested that we could look into getting garland to put around the top of the planter and that would not affect the trees.
  • Bridget will check with Planning to see if this is allowable.
  • Diane feels that some of the trees are quite tall and very close to hydro lines.
  • If garland is allowed, we will price garland, lights and bows.


  • Diane asked David how he decides to highlight each business, and David indicated that he puts the businesses in categories, starts a list and goes down the list and checks each one off, and then restarts once all are done.
  • We need to develop a flyer. Prior to that we should update all the contact information for the businesses as there have been some changes in the last few months.

Debris/Weeds in Alleys

  • We have received complaints about excessive weeds and debris in the alleys. Terry will have his workers clean up the alleys.
  • It was noted that property and business owners are responsible for the upkeep of the alleyways behind their property. BIA will initially clean and then the responsibility will be with the property and business owner.
  • Business owners who do not own the property should be getting in touch with the property owner to discuss cleanning of the alleys.
  • Parking was discussed due to the fact that a new business owner is parking behind her building. It was noted that parking is available in the Municipal lot on the corner of Pleasant Place and Pillette and business owners should be parking there.

New Business

  • A short discussion on the installation of cameras. This is a costly venture, but some research can be done at this time to determine pricing.
  • Tall Tide Tattoos has moved into 4739 Wyandotte.
  • Marcuterie has moved into 4685 Wyandotte.
  • Diane and Bridget are having lunch with Ryan Hoey of CNIB to present donations collected from the Street Sale. The lunch will be at Louis.

Next Meeting Thursday, November 9th, 4:00 p.m. at Hawkins.

Board of Directors Meeting September 14, 2023

Pillette Village

Pillette Village Business Improvement Association

Board of Directors Meeting

September 14, 2023

In Attendance:  Terry Yaldo, Danielle Ramsten and Bridget Scheuerman

Regrets: Councilors Jo-Anne Gignac and Ed Sleiman, David Duke, Peggy Winch and Diane Beck


Approval of Minutes

  • Motion by Terry and seconded by Danielle to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Passed.

Financial Report

  • Bridget provided the following Financial report
  • Bank Balance as of July 31, 2023 is $76,682.57
  • Deposit Street Sale Vendor Fees $1,720.00
  • Balance after Deposits $78,402.57
  • Outstanding Cheque Total $3,734.26
  • Balance after cheques $74,668.31
  • Capitals Works Commitment $54,000.00
  • Available Funds $20,668.21.
  • Motion by Danielle and seconded by Terry to accept the Financial Report.

Small Business Meeting

  • Bridget attended a meeting at the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Centre in which was discussed the various grants that were available and the assistance that the Centre can provide to small business.
  • It was decided that this group would visit the businesses in Pillette Village.
  • Bridget will send out a notice to the businesses when the date has been determined.
  • A notice was sent out to first have the visit on Monday September 11th, but it was decided that this was not a good day as many of the businesses are closed on Mondays. The new date was set for Wednesday, September 6th, and due to rainy weather the visits did not occur, but email communication was commenced with the businesses and the Business Centre.

Street Sale Report

  • Bridget provided the following report:
  • Income from vendor fees $1,720.00
  • Expenses $2,947.32 which included The City of Windsor Permit Fee of $1,280.00 and we will be receiving a $1,000 refund once the site has been approved for cleanliness.
  • Total Cost of Event $227.31.
  • We received many positive comments regarding the Street Sale.
  • Some vendors would like the event to go longer into the afternoon. Currently it ends at 2:00 p.m., and it was suggested that it be extended to 3:00 p.m. or even 4:00 p.m.
  • One vendor asked that they would like to be on the south side next year as for the past two years they have been on the north side and that is the sun side
  • We will also determine what other events are happening within the City and schedule our event on a date that does not conflict with other BIAs.

CNIB & Jazz Cat Donations

  • Donations were discussed for the Jazz Cats Band and for CNIB our sponsor Charity and it was determined that the band would receive $400 and CNIB would receive $325.
  • Diane had collected $75 in donations for CNIB during the Street Sale Event, so the total donation to CNIB will be $400.
  • Motion by Terry and seconded by Danielle to donate $400 to Jazz Cats c/o Diane Beck and $325 to CNIB, plus the $75 that Diane had collected. Passed.


  • Bridget received quotes from Graphix27 for a number of merchandising items, tote bags, notepads, pens, mugs, water bottles, stickers and coasters.
  • We would like to put together Welcome bags for new businesses, but at the outset each current business would also receive a welcome package which would include a Tote Bag, Notepad, Pen, stickers, letter, postcarads from Small Business Centre and a business directory for the BIA.
  • Our Logo and information would be on all items.
  • Bridget will determine what the next break point would be to see if it would be beneficial to order more to have them in stock.
  • It was determined that we would allow a budget of $1,500 to $2,000 for this project.

Capital Works Update

  • Stephan reported that when he went to the Public Works Yard on the day the planters were to be installed, he found that the order was incorrect and that the surrounds for the planters had not arrived.
  • He immediately contacted the Company in Alberta and it was found that the salesperson that originally placed the order had left the Company and Stephan was able then to speak to the owner who indicated that the order had been shipped the previous week. It did not arrive in time to be installed prior to when the City has to start set up for Open Streets.
  • Waiting to confirm if shipment has been received.
  • Still waiting for pricing on banners and entrance markers.

New Business

  • as there was no new business the meeting was adjourned.

Next Meeting Thursday, October 12, 2023, 4:00 p.m. at Hawkins Accounting

Board of Directors Meeting August 10, 2023

Pillette Village

Pillette Village Business Improvement Association

Board of Directors Meeting

August 10, 2023

In Attendance:  Danielle Ramsten, Diane Beck, David Duke, Terry Yaldo and Bridget Scheuerman

Regrets: Councillors Jo-Anne Gignac and Ed Sleiman, Peggy Winch


Approval of Minutes

  • Motion by Danielle and seconded by Diane to accept the minutes of the previous meeting. Passed.

Financial Report

  • Bank Balance as of June 30, 2023, $81,293.94
  • Total of outstanding Cheques $5,549.16
  • Balance after cheque $75,744.78
  • Capital Works Commitment $54,000
  • Available funds $21,744.78
  • Motion by Diane and seconded by Danielle to accept the Financial report. Passed.


  • Diane noticed that the signage for CNIB was gone and when she went to the office and knocked, no one answered. Website indicates that the office is permanently closed.
  • Bridget will contact Ryan to see what is happening.
  • Update: Bridget talked with Ryan and the office is still in place within the building. There were some renovations occurring and the signage was taken down and not replaced.

Street Sale

  • The map and instructions have been sent to all the vendors.
  • We will need 11 tables and 22 chairs.
  • Diane’s band, the Jazz Cats will play from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
  • Terry will set up and take down the tables and chairs.
  • David emailed the vendors to ask them to send pictures and descriptions of their products and he would post this going into the sale. So far, he has had limited response.
  • He is a doing a countdown each day leading up to the sale.


  • David started Thread and it will take some time to build a following. Very slow at this point. He has been posting items.
  • The Welcome package should contain a sticker with a QR code and our logo and perhaps candy.
  • David will add a section to the website to post the Minutes of the Board meetings (Members Login). Will list minutes, area for businesses to include ideas and ask questions.

Capital Works Project

  • Still waiting for planters and Planning is hoping to get the planters and trees in place by Labour Day.
  • Awaiting quotes for banners and entrance markets. Wants to get everything from the same company to speed things up and for consistency.

New Business

  • Diane is not sure if the Coffee Shop will be opening. It appears too small and would require an accessible bathroom to get a license.  They only have a single sink, and they would need a double to meet code.
  • Building on the corner of Lawrence and Wyandotte has sold.
  • Bridget will contact Taric to get square footage of vacant spaces in the 4700 block, south side.

Motion to Adjourn

Next Meeting, Thursday, September 14, 2023, 4:00 p.m. at Hawkins Accounting

Board of Directors Meeting July 13, 2023

Pillette Village

Pillette Village Business Improvement Association

Board of Directors Meeting

July 13, 2023

In Attendance:  Terry Yaldo, Diane Beck, David Duke, Danielle Ramsten, Councillors Jo-Anne Gignac and Ed Sleiman, Bridget by phone

Regrets:  Peggy Winch (Amica)


  1. Approval of Minutes

  • Motion by Diane and seconded by Danielle to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Passed.


  1. Financial Report

  • Bank Balance as of May 31, 2023 $81,302.46
  • Outstanding Cheques $1,008.52,
  • Capital Works Commitment $54,000
  • Available Funds $27, 293.94.
  • Motion by Diane and seconded by Danielle to accept the Financial Report. Passed.


  1. Street Sale

  • Sign up has not been as good as last year.
  • OK for the food truck.
  • David is suggesting a social media boost of $50 to draw more vendors.
  • We have received a request from the Cancer Society to set up at our Street Sale. We should check with CNIB to see if they object to.  Must stipulate that Cancer Society cannot accept donations and can just give out information.
  • Ford City is having Dropped on Drouillard on the same day as our Street Sale, and that could be affecting our vendor numbers.
  • Some posters have been given out and we need to check with Shoppers to see if they will hand out postcards.
  • Businesses do know about it, but a reminder will be sent out.
  • Can put tables in the back room of Hawkins.
  • David will check to see if it is posted on TWEPI.


  1. Marketing

  • David has been promoting the Street Sale.
  • He is suggesting that the vendors can send information about whet they are selling, and the price range and he will develop a form that Bridget can send out to the vendors.
  • David commented on Threads and is looking into it. It appears to be competing with Twitter. David wants to know if there is a business side to Threads.
  • Riverside Magazine ad is too pricey.


  1. New Business

  • The clay pots have been removed.
  • Wall units still need to be removed. Terry indicated that he could do this by the end of the week.
  • Tariq Kahn is thinking of selling his buildings on the south side 4700 block as he cannot get steady tenants who will pay.
  • We should be posting vacancies on the website.
  • A coffee Shop is going where the Tattoo shop used to be on Pillette.
  • Ed asked if any new businesses are opening.


Motion to Adjourn


Next Meeting, Thursday, August 10, 2023, 4:00 p.m. at Hawkins Accounting

Board of Directors Meeting June 15, 2023

Pillette Village

Pillette Village Business Improvement Association

Board of Directors Meeting

June 15, 2023

In Attendance: Danielle Ramsten, Terry Yaldo, Diane Beck, David Duke, Peggy Winch (Amica) and Bridget Scheuerman

Regrets:   Councillors Jo-Anne Gignac and Ed Sleiman

Guests:  Christine Withington and Cherish Ruttan from Our Riverside Magazine


  1. Presentation from Our Riverside Magazine

  • Christine gave an overview of the magazine and indicated that they would like to include Pillette Village.
  • There were many options discussed such as a one page or two page spread emphasizing shopping local and we could put our logo in the middle. There are many different ways to use the logo and it would depend on what we are looking for and what the businesses are seeking.  This magazine has been trying to figure out a way to get into this area, and want to approach all of the businesses and residents.
  • Currently delivering to 16,500 homes, via Canada Post – Riverside Drive to CN tracks and east from Westminster to Rendezvous. Hyper focused on Riverside, with events and activities, supporting churches and schools.
  • There is a free directory of business listings.
  • Next issue is community focused, and the deadline is August 4th for delivery beginning of September. Talking about how community businesses can help with mental health, and kids back to school.
  • The magazine is published quarterly and is currently 24 pages with the aim of having 32 pages for the September issue.
  • The first hour of design is free and then a there is a charge. There would be a charge for an advertorial.
  • There are currently 150 subscribers on the website and the magazine is printed locally.
  • Terry thanked Christine and Cherish for their presentation, and indicated that the Board would discuss and let them know.


  1. Approval of Minutes

  • Motion by Diane and seconded by Terry to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Passed.


  1. Financial Report

  • Bridget gave the following financial report
  • Bank Balance as of May 31, 2023, is $81,302.46
  • deposit of $1,000.00 for the Street Sale Permit Rebate from the City of Windsor
  • Outstanding Cheques $1,008.52 Balance after cheques $81,293.94
  • Capital Works Commitment $54,000.00
  • Available Funds $27,293.94.
  • Motion by Danielle and seconded by Diane to accept the Financial Report Passed.



  1. Street Sale

  • David brought in the posters and postcards which are ready for distribution.
  • Bridget reported that we have five vendors so far.
  • David will post on the different sites within Essex County, and he has made a Facebook page.
  • It was suggested that we contact McDonalds and Shoppers to see if they will hand out postcards to their customers.


  1. Parking Lines Update

  • The lines have been painted within the BIA.
  • Item complete.
  • If there are infractions of vehicles parking over the lines, it will be the responsibility of the business owner to contact 311 to report.


  1. Marketing

  • David has added the new business Leap Physiotherapy to the website. They are located at 4900 Wyandotte Suite 210, phone 519 250-7801. and are on Facebook and Instagram and the owner’s name is Alex Grant.
  • David reported that social media is leaning more towards ads and getting away from posts.
  • He asked if we would advertise in the Riverside magazine. We should do a story on Pillette.  Will they add our businesses to the directory for free.  David suggested a ½ page and invite businesses to offset the cost of the ad.  See what kind of feedback we get to determine if we will continue.  Danielle asked how we can define the success of a magazine ad.  Terry suggested a contest on Facebook.  David mentioned putting together a Gift Basket.  We need to know the cost for a full page, but with ½ page being a story.  Bridget will contact the magazine for pricing.  Right now, the cost for a full page ad is $1,700 and ½ page is $850.


  1. New Business

  • Diane reported that there have been fires in the wall planters as well as in some pots. We need to email the businesses to see which ones want to keep the wall planters as we should be removing them due to this most recent fire risk of individual butting out cigarettes, but causing a fire instead.
  • For a future event it was suggested that we have a contest for the best decorated storefront during the various seasons with a prize for the winner.
  • Diane reported that a father and son are working on the stores located at 4661 and 4667. The owners are Aert and Ergjent Bufazi and they will let us know when they are ready to lease.
  • There are vacancies in the block of buildings between 4729 and 4749 and one building has a roof leak and tenants do not stay.


Meeting adjourned



Board of Directors Meeting May 24, 2023

Pillette Village

Pillette Village Business Improvement Association

Board of Directors Meeting

May 24, 2023

In Attendance:  Danielle Ramsten, David Duke, Terry Yaldo, Diane Beck (by phone) and Bridget  Scheuerman

Guests:  Frank Bourdon, Amica and Ryan Hooey & Joe, CNIB

Regrets: Councillors Jo-Anne Gignac and Ed Sleiman


  1. Approval of Minutes

  • Motion by Danielle and seconded by Terry to accept the minutes of the previous meeting.


  1. Introduction of Guests:

  • Terry welcomed our guests Frank Bourdon from Amica and Ryan Hooey and Joe from CNIB.
  • Frank gave an overview of Amica and how they wanted to become involved with the business community. They would like more exposure for Amica and the opportunity of getting their residents out.  Currently they take their residents on outings to Food Events, and other events via a Transportation bus.  It was suggested that the local businesses offer promotions for the once weekly bus trips.  The residents are primarily independent.  Amica offers care and support and have a nurse and doctor on site.  They would like to be a participant in the upcoming Street Sale.  David asked if we could do a survey within Amica to see what the residents are seeking from the shops and what activities they are looking to attend.  Frank indicated that they are thinking of putting in a Bocce Ball court.
  • Ryan Hooey has been with CNIB for five years and is looking to see how they can partner with Pillette Village. They have had Guide Dog programs for the past five years, which are fully funded and see the dog is cared for by CNIB from a puppy to retirement, including Vet bills. They are developing a guide dog arena and technology programs to help unsighted people to set up their own computers, etc.  It costs $50,000 for one guide dog from puppy to retirement.  They also have a Buddy Dog program which is covered as well, and Advocacy in Transit and lots of other programs.  CNIB sees 100% of the donation going directly to CNIB, to support all the programs.  Ryan will put something together for the Street Sale.  David asked about donation boxes.  Ryan indicated that as they do not have a volunteer base it is hard to establish the program, as it requires volunteers to collect the money from the various locations.  A lot is done online.  David suggested a QR code at each business.  Ryan said that would only be for Guide dog program.


  1. Financial Report

  • Bank balance as of April 28, 2023 $85,011.41
  • Total for outstanding cheques $3,719.95,
  • Capital Works Fund $54,000.00
  • Available funds $27,302.46.
  • Motion by Terry and seconded by Danielle to accept the Financial Report. Passed.




  1. Street Sale

  • The sale is set for Saturday, August 19, 2023 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
  • The fees will be $30 if the vendor has a table and $50 if the vendor requires a table.
  • Tents will be sent up in the Hawkins parking lot on a first come first served basis and the fees will be $75.00 for the space.
  • There will be no tents or canopies allowed on the sidewalks along Wyandotte Street or Pillette.
  • David is set to go live with the information and we will be doing postcards, posters and other printed materials.
  • We will be giving postcards to the businesses to hand out to their customers.
  • The site will launch Friday, May 26, 2023.
  • Terry suggested an early bird special next year.
  • Closing date for vendors will be July 31, 2023.
  • Donations to CNIB.
  • It was suggested that we get someone to donate a food item that could be sold, i.e. lemonade stand, popcorn, etc. with all proceeds to CNIB.


  1. Parking Lines

  • This item was discussed and it was indicated as we are not part of the City’s Parking Fund, we would not be able to get the lines painted and that the BIA would have to incur the cost.
  • Bridget will contact the Traffic Department to determine how much it would cost to have the parking lines painted within the BIA and report back.


  1. Marketing

  • David asked about ideas for the vacancies within the BIA and suggested that he will talk to a Real Estate contact that he has to get information on the vacancies.


  1. Riverside Magazine

  • Terry reported that Our Riverside Magazine is starting and wanted to know if we wanted to advertise.
  • David asked if we would get a cut in the price if we did the art work.
  • There is a launch party upcoming for the first magazine.
  • Terry will follow up.


  1. New Business

  • Spring Planting: Bridget contacted the City and they will be planting in the pots and there is someone in place to do the watering. There are also workers doing the maintenance work throughout the BIA.
  • Insurance:the Insurance has been renewed until June 2024.
  • Meeting dates: it was determined that Thursday would be the best day for the meetings, and would be scheduled for the second Thursday of each month at 4:00 p.m. Frank indicated that Amica could host a meeting.
  • Board Members: We are looking to increase the size of the Board and would welcome business and property owners to consider being a part of the Board.


Meeting Adjourned

Board of Directors Meeting April 12, 2023

Pillette Village

Pillette Village Business Improvement Association

Board of Directors Meeting

April 12, 2023

In Attendance: Danielle Ramsten, David Duke, Diane Beck and Bridget Scheuerman

Regrets: Terry Yaldo, Councillors Jo-Anne Gignac and Ed Sleiman


  1. Approval of Minutes

  • motion by Diane and seconded by Danielle to accept the minutes of the previous meeting.


  1. Financial Report:

  • Bridget presented the following financial report
  • Bank balance as of February 28, 2023 $66,315.55
  • Deposits HST Rebate $1,801.81 and 1st Budget Installment for 2023 $20,000.00
  • Balance after deposits $88,117.36
  • Outstanding Cheques $3,094.92
  • Balance after cheques $85,022.44
  • Capital Works holdback $54,000.00
  • Available funds $31,022.44.
  • Motion by Danielle and seconded by Diane to accept the Financial Report.
  1. Parking Lines

  • Nancy Johns had asked if we could get lines demarcating parking spaces painted on Wyandotte. Bridget had looked into this prior to the meeting, and it was determined that due to the fact that we are not part of the City’s Parking Fund Program, we could not get these lines painted.
  • The alternative is to become part of the Parking Fund Program by means of have parking meters installed.


  1. BIA Governance Update

  • Bridget gave an overview of the status of the BIA Governance, and indicated that there have been zoom meetings with all BIAs represented, thus allowing input into the process.
  • Suggestions have been made to improve the document, that all BIAs will be following the same rules and procedures with regards to elections, Boards of Directors, voting, etc.


  1. Marketing

  • David has been putting the reels of some of the businesses on Facebook and they have been doing very well. They are getting in excess of 1,000 views for some of the businesses.  We need to keep this momentum going.
  • There is a need to focus on the vacancies in the area. We can highlight the various vacancies, and provide information as to square footage, potential rent/lease amount and what type of business would be suitable for the vacant spaces.


  1. Riverside Magazine

  • this item was tabled as Terry was to make the presentation.


  1. New Business

  • Danielle indicated that the garbage issue around their building is getting worse. Individuals are going through the garbage and throwing it everywhere.  We will contact Public Works to see if there is a solution to this problem.
  • It was suggested that we do a welcome package for new businesses. David will work on this.
  • Watering – we have to confirm who is doing the watering so that Bridget can confirm with Parks & Rec for the spring planting of flowers.
  • Street Sale– The Street Sale will be Saturday August 19, 2023 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Diane’s Band, the Jazz Cats will play again.  David will review all of last years marketing materials and make the necessary changes.  Spaces will go for $30 and $50 for a table.  Some people bring their own tables, so we will be charging $30 for the space and $50 for the space and a table.  Tents will be set up in Hawkins parking lot, and we will not be providing or ordering any tents.
  • We’ve Got Things is closing April 30th.
  • Tattoo’s & Things has left the area.



Meeting Adjourned

Board of Directors Meeting March 9, 2023

Pillette Village

Pillette Village Business Improvement Association

Board of Directors Meeting

March 9, 2023


In Attendance:  Danielle Ramsten, Terry Yaldo, David Duke, Diane Beck, and Bridget Scheuerman

Regrets:  Councillors Jo-Anne Gignac and Ed Sleiman


  1. Approval of Minutes

  • The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted.


  1. Financial Report

  • The financial report presented by Bridget was accepted.
  • Bank balance as of January 31, 2023 $65,006.24
  • Deposit of final 2022 Operating Budget of $2,000
  • Balance after deposit $67,006.24
  • Total for outstanding cheques $1,434.85,
  • balance after cheques $65,571.39
  • Capital Works commitment $54,000.00
  • Available funds $11,571.39
  • Pending HST Deposit $1,801.81
  • Total available funds $13,373.20.


  1. Capital Works Update

  • The planters and garbage receptacles purchase order is proceeding through authorization and signature stage and proceeding to final stages of procurement.


  1. Marketing

  • David has started doing the reels for the various businesses and there has been a noticeable uptick in people viewing the reels.
  • David asked if we should be using Tik Tok and it was indicated that Tik Tok is not government approved, and we should not use it.
  • This issue can wait until the City has completed their review of the BIAs.


  1. CNIB (Canadian National Institute for the Blind)

  • Bridget provided an update on the research she has been doing with CNIB who have an office within Pillette Village.
  • CNIB would be very interested in partnering with Pillette Village and a meeting is planned for next week.
  • We will gather information at this point to review once the City has completed their review of the BIAs.
  • This could be a very good partnership.
  • Some suggestions were discussed as to fundraising.


  1. Review of Constitution

  • Board members were given a copy of the current constitution and asked to review for a future meeting which will be dedicated to adjusting the constitution to bring it up-to-date with mandates from the City and the needs of our BIA.


  1. New Business

  • Bridget suggested that we look at the Pillette and Wyandotte intersection with a view to improving safety at this location. We should contact Traffic to review this intersection.
  • It was suggested that we do welcome packages for new businesses.
  • Bridget asked if the next meeting could occur one or two days earlier in April, but it will also depend on the progress of the City.
  • Atomic Bongz is a new business located at 4685 Wyandotte East.


Meeting Adjourned

Board of Directors Meeting February 9, 2023

Pillette Village

Pillette Village Business Improvement Association

Board of Directors Meeting

February 9, 2023


In Attendance: Diane Beck, Councillor Ed Sleiman, Terry Yaldo, Danielle Ramsten, David Duke and Bridget Scheuerman

Regrets:  Councillor Jo-Anne Gignac

  1. Approval of Minutes

  • Motion by Danielle and seconded by Diane to accept the minutes of the previous meeting.


  1. Financial Report

  • Bridget provided the following financial report
  • Bank Balance as of December 30, 2022 $79,216.11
  • Deposit final Operating Budget Installment $2,000
  • Total after deposit $81,216.11
  • Total of Outstanding Cheques $4,209.87 Balance after cheques $77,006.24
  • Total Capital Works Commitment $54,000.00, total after Capital Works $23,006.24
  • Pending HST Deposit $1,801.81 Total available funds $24,808.05
  • Terry asked about the Capital Works and when will being to pay it. Bridget indicated it will not commence until the work has begun, which will be this year, so at that time we will be required to provide the City with a cheque for $54,000.00, and then each year $10,600.00 will be withheld from our Operating budget for the next ten years.
  • Diane asked about the storage unit and offered a space beside her property, if we put up an enclosure, which would cost about $1,600.
  • Terry was asked about the Christmas decorations and why they were not put out, and he indicated that he was short staffed.
  • Motion by Diane and seconded by Danielle to accept the Financial Report. Passed.


  1. Capital Works

  • Bridget provided an update and indicated that the city was still sourcing the planters as the larger planters were too expensive and we would be very limited in where we would be able to place such large planters.


  1. Marketing

  • David did a Reel for Diane and it was well received. She indicated that there has been a good response.
  • Diane asked if where is any way that we can bring attention to the area as a whole.
  • It was suggested to send something to Biz X Magazine.
  • David asked if we wanted to pay for boosts, and it was agreed that we would.


  1. Summer Event

  • Bridget said that a letter is being presented to City Council asking that Open Streets be extended to include the east end of the City. Councillor Gignac asked the question and requested that Administration get back with a report on the route, costs and recommendations. Ed contacted Ray Mansour and we spoke to him on speaker about Open Streets.
  • Street Sale: We will do the Street Sale again this year.  David suggested not assigning the tables.  Terry feels this would not work.  Danielle said their parking lot will have more room this year.  We will not put tables on northwest side of Pillette.  Hours will be 9-2.  Ask the church if we can use their parking lot.  David suggested starting later, but we will leave it at 9 to get the early shoppers.  Will talk to Shoppers about this event and see how they can get involved.


  1. New Business

  • Ed asked about break-ins and vandalism in the area, and it was indicated that it seems to be quiet at this time.
  • There is a new business at 812 Pillette called Studio Ekletique, which specializes in furniture upholstery plus more.
  • Bridget suggested contacting the Canadian National Institute for the Blind, who have an office within our BIA with a view to sponsoring the training of a Guide Dog.
  • Terry said that a Windsor Police Officer will be assigned to our area and will visit the businesses from time to time to give a presence in the area. Constable Sean Patterson is the representative for our area.
  • David suggested talking with McDonalds to see if they would give out postcards for our area to their customers at their drive-in window to advertise an event. Contact McDonalds and Shoppers.


Meeting Adjourned