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Pillette Village Business Improvement Association

Board of Directors Meeting

June 15, 2023

In Attendance: Danielle Ramsten, Terry Yaldo, Diane Beck, David Duke, Peggy Winch (Amica) and Bridget Scheuerman

Regrets:   Councillors Jo-Anne Gignac and Ed Sleiman

Guests:  Christine Withington and Cherish Ruttan from Our Riverside Magazine


  1. Presentation from Our Riverside Magazine

  • Christine gave an overview of the magazine and indicated that they would like to include Pillette Village.
  • There were many options discussed such as a one page or two page spread emphasizing shopping local and we could put our logo in the middle. There are many different ways to use the logo and it would depend on what we are looking for and what the businesses are seeking.  This magazine has been trying to figure out a way to get into this area, and want to approach all of the businesses and residents.
  • Currently delivering to 16,500 homes, via Canada Post – Riverside Drive to CN tracks and east from Westminster to Rendezvous. Hyper focused on Riverside, with events and activities, supporting churches and schools.
  • There is a free directory of business listings.
  • Next issue is community focused, and the deadline is August 4th for delivery beginning of September. Talking about how community businesses can help with mental health, and kids back to school.
  • The magazine is published quarterly and is currently 24 pages with the aim of having 32 pages for the September issue.
  • The first hour of design is free and then a there is a charge. There would be a charge for an advertorial.
  • There are currently 150 subscribers on the website and the magazine is printed locally.
  • Terry thanked Christine and Cherish for their presentation, and indicated that the Board would discuss and let them know.


  1. Approval of Minutes

  • Motion by Diane and seconded by Terry to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Passed.


  1. Financial Report

  • Bridget gave the following financial report
  • Bank Balance as of May 31, 2023, is $81,302.46
  • deposit of $1,000.00 for the Street Sale Permit Rebate from the City of Windsor
  • Outstanding Cheques $1,008.52 Balance after cheques $81,293.94
  • Capital Works Commitment $54,000.00
  • Available Funds $27,293.94.
  • Motion by Danielle and seconded by Diane to accept the Financial Report Passed.



  1. Street Sale

  • David brought in the posters and postcards which are ready for distribution.
  • Bridget reported that we have five vendors so far.
  • David will post on the different sites within Essex County, and he has made a Facebook page.
  • It was suggested that we contact McDonalds and Shoppers to see if they will hand out postcards to their customers.


  1. Parking Lines Update

  • The lines have been painted within the BIA.
  • Item complete.
  • If there are infractions of vehicles parking over the lines, it will be the responsibility of the business owner to contact 311 to report.


  1. Marketing

  • David has added the new business Leap Physiotherapy to the website. They are located at 4900 Wyandotte Suite 210, phone 519 250-7801. and are on Facebook and Instagram and the owner’s name is Alex Grant.
  • David reported that social media is leaning more towards ads and getting away from posts.
  • He asked if we would advertise in the Riverside magazine. We should do a story on Pillette.  Will they add our businesses to the directory for free.  David suggested a ½ page and invite businesses to offset the cost of the ad.  See what kind of feedback we get to determine if we will continue.  Danielle asked how we can define the success of a magazine ad.  Terry suggested a contest on Facebook.  David mentioned putting together a Gift Basket.  We need to know the cost for a full page, but with ½ page being a story.  Bridget will contact the magazine for pricing.  Right now, the cost for a full page ad is $1,700 and ½ page is $850.


  1. New Business

  • Diane reported that there have been fires in the wall planters as well as in some pots. We need to email the businesses to see which ones want to keep the wall planters as we should be removing them due to this most recent fire risk of individual butting out cigarettes, but causing a fire instead.
  • For a future event it was suggested that we have a contest for the best decorated storefront during the various seasons with a prize for the winner.
  • Diane reported that a father and son are working on the stores located at 4661 and 4667. The owners are Aert and Ergjent Bufazi and they will let us know when they are ready to lease.
  • There are vacancies in the block of buildings between 4729 and 4749 and one building has a roof leak and tenants do not stay.


Meeting adjourned