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Pillette Village Business Improvement Association

Board of Directors Meeting

January 16, 2025


In Attendance: Danielle Ramsten, Councilor Ed Sleiman, Diane Beck, David Duke, Terry Yaldo and Bridget Scheuerman

Regrets: Councilor Jo-Anne Gignac

Approval of Minutes

  • Motion by Diane and seconded by Danielle to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Passed.


Financial Report

  • Bridget provided the following report:
  • Balance as of November 29, 2024 $22,313.43
  • Total for Outstanding Cheques $11,843.00
  • Balance after cheques $10,469.43
  • Balance of Capital Works Project$ 46,200.00
  • Cheque for $10,600.00 forwarded to City for 2025 payment (included in Outstanding Cheques balance)
  • Councillor Sleiman asked how much the Operating Budget is for Pillette Village and he was told $40,000
  • Bridget indicated that we have to be careful with spending until our first Budget Installment for 2025 is received from the city
  • Motion by Danielle and seconded by Diane to accept the financial report. Passed


Chamber of Commerce

  • Danielle asked if we were members of the Chamber of Commerce as we are listed under the Pillar Membership. Bridget indicated that we have not been members for many years.
  • Danielle gave a report on how, if we were members, we could take advantage of the many programs and offers by the Chamber. Businesses could tag in on the programs and offers as well.  The membership fee if $1,610 annually
  • Diane asked what the benefits are to belonging to the Chamber. Danielle explained we could take advantage of member discounts, some marketing opportunities as well.
  • The Community Builder membership would be best suited for our BIA.
  • Danielle will get more details about the membership.
  • Individual businesses can also join the Chamber separately and the first ten members from the BIA would be elevated to a higher level.


Capital Works Update

  • Bridget gave an updated report based on a meeting that she attended with the Planning Department earlier in the afternoon.
  • It would appear that the dimensions of the address banners exceed what is acceptable for an overhang of the sidewalk.
  • Planning has had a meeting with Risk Management, Engineering and Legal to go over the entire project related to the banner poles and address banners and the address banners are what is causing some concern.
  • The Board made a decision to proceed with the banner poles which would see banners installed on the poles on Pillette from Riverside Drive to just short of Ontario Street, and entrance poles and banners in the median at just beyond Arthur.
  • Planning is still looking into whether the entrance banners can be installed in the Raymo median. If not, banners will be hung on the hydro poles at that location.
  • Bridget will be contacting Enwin Utilities to start the paperwork going for banner poles.
  • Bridget asked Planning to be included in the next meeting with Legal, Traffic, Risk Management and Planning.
  • David asked if there is a warranty on the pole banners and Bridget will ask Planning.
  • An issue of insurance has been brought up by Risk Management and this will continue to be investigated.
  • It should be noted that this project has been delayed due to the absence of the original planner, who did the original design and made the contacts for the vendors, etc. Another person has taken up the responsibility and it is hoped that the project can be completed in a timely manner.



  • David continues to add new businesses as they join our neighbourhood.
  • The name of the new Day Care located in the former Playdium Bowling Alley is Alexander Day Care.
  • David will continue to do boost ads of $5 each as there was success with this venture.
  • David suggested starting a newsletter for businesses. This was accepted as a good idea and David will work on it.

New/Other Business

  • Please note that Bridget will be unavailable for 2-3 weeks starting January 22, 2025.
  • There was no other New/Other Business.

Meeting Adjourned