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Pillette Village Business Improvement Association

Board of Directors Meeting

November 16, 2023

In Attendance:  Danielle Ramsten, Diane Beck, Terry Yaldo, Bridget Scheuerman and David Duke

Approval of Minutes

  • Motion by Danielle and seconded by Diane to accept the minutes of the previous meeting. Passed.

Financial Report

  • Bridget provided an updated Financial Report:
  • Bank Balance as of October 31, 2023 $88,909.66
  • Outstanding Cheque Total $66,126.22
    Balance after cheques $22,783.44
  • Bridget reported that the deposit cheque for the Capital Works project has been submitted to the City and this covers Phase One of the Project.

Motion by Diane and seconded by Danielle to accept the Financial Report. Passed.

Meetings At City Hall

  • Bridget reported on meetings she attended regarding the upcoming Storm sewer surcharge that will be implemented starting in 2025. The City will be updating the storm sewer system and the cost will be charged back to the businesses and residents through Enwin Utilities starting in 2025. There will be Public Meetings over the next year that will outline the project.
  • Bridget had a discussion with Anne Marie Albidonie of Public Works with regards to the upcoming changes in recycling. The City is in discussions with the company that currently is responsible for the production of recycled items, who now wish to do the collection as well. So far, the discussions have centered around this
    company collecting residential only and talks are ongoing to include business in the collection process. More to come on this item as it becomes finalized.


  • Bridget brought samples of tote bags that were provided by Graphix 27. After some discussion it was suggested that we get prices for a much thinner bag similar to those used by grocery stores and to give a supply to each business for their customers, with the Pillette Village Logo on each bag. A price will be obtained and quantities.
  • Danielle suggested designing something with the website QR code, a fun saying, etc. It was also suggested to do a series of bags with sayings/themes and to have the customer bring back the bag to exchange for a new one, and thus bring shoppers into the area.
  • Ask Graphix 27 for pricing and production of these less expensive bags.
  • A suggested budget for this Marketing project would be between $1,500 and $2,000
    to acquire shopping bags, scratch pads, and other affordable marketing items.

Motion by Terry and seconded by Danielle to budget $1,500 to $2,000 for Marketing.
Motion Passed.

2024 Draft Operating Budget

  • A draft Operating Budget was discussed in detail and all line items reviewed. After some discussion, the attached proposed Operating Budget is being put forward to the membership for approval. The amount of the 2024 Operating will remain the same at $40,000.00. This Draft Operating Budget will be presented at the Annual Meeting for approval.

Annual Meeting

  • The Annual General Membership Meeting will be held January 11, 2024. Location to be determined and communicated in the new year. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend. If you would like to host the Annual Meeting, please contact Bridget.

New/Other Business

  • There was no new or other business and therefore the meeting was adjourned.